Thursday, May 04, 2006

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, there have been only four LGBT federal 527 committees thus far in the 2006 election cycle that have filed reports with the IRS: the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the San Francisco Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, the Houston GLBT Political Caucus, and Stonewall Democrats United.

The Victory Fund's revenues dwarfed those of all other LGBT groups combined in 527 contributions. Stonewall United, the 527 arm of the National Stonewall Democrats, was dwarfed not only by the Victory Fund but by the two municipal clubs as well; but it is still, by definition, in the Top 4:

Victory Fund            $1,034,350
Alice                              27,787
Houston GLBT                  2,200
Stonewall United              1,546


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