Saturday, January 06, 2007

Buckley criminal investigation linked to National Stonewall Democrats in media

Stonewall Review Gay News
The unfolding criminal investigation of Raymond Buckley has quickly caught up with the National Stonewall Democrats, as we predicted.

Buckley is the New Hampshire Democratic Party officer and National Stonewall Democrats board member who is under criminal investigation following a complaint related to pornography (see Stonewall Review; "National Stonewall Democrats stunner -- Board member Raymond Buckley under criminal investigation"; January 05, 2007; ). It is still not clear if the pornography in question involves underage subjects.

We stated that Buckley should resign or be removed from the National Stonewall Democrats board of directors before a journalist Googled Buckley's name and connected the unfolding criminal investigation scandal with NSD.

Too late.

The Union Leader is now reporting that Buckley "is a national at-large board member of the National Stonewall Democrats, a lobbying group of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered party activists."

As we stated before, Buckley's NSD board seat does not belong to him; he holds it in trust on behalf of the members of the National Stonewall Democrats. Buckley needs to step down or be removed immediately to protect the organization and its members, and NSD needs to remove all references to his name from its web site. Whatever the eventual disposition of the criminal investigation against him, Buckley needs to get his house in order, and he must not be permitted to drag the National Stonewall Democrats through his ordeal. We further fear that it is just a matter of time before the mainstream media drag Barney Frank's name into all of this as the founder of NSD.

Expect to see presidential candidates duck for cover as well. In his role as a New Hampshire Democratic Party officer, Buckley has managed to have his picture taken with just about every Democrat who looked in a mirror in the last decade and saw a future President. If the Clinton, Edwards, and Obama camps have any sense, they have already purged their digital image databases of all "little buddy" pictures that their candidates ever took with Buckley.

This isn't going to be over for quite a while, and it promises to get more sordid.

The latest Union Leader article is at .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this country, someone is innocent until proven guilty.

NH Governor Lynch was too hasty in his demand that Raymond Buckley not run for State Chair and so are you.

Raymond is a Regional Member of the Board of Directors the National Stonewall Democrats and as such, represents me.

As a member of the Stonewll Democrats from New Hampshire, I strongly believe that Raymond should remain on the Board for the reasons outlined above.

Saturday, January 06, 2007 11:15:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can always hope, and must assume, that there are a lot of photographs circulating of Ray and his chosen candidate last time around, Joe Lieberman.

At least some good can come of this.

Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:17:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about a knee jerk reaction to allegations that have yet to be verified. At the first sign of danger your group has decided to leave one of the strongest advocates for GLBT issues out in the cold. Shame on you for not sticking up for one of the best.

Sunday, January 07, 2007 7:21:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the reports that I've seen allude to, but don't explicitly mention, child porn. The mere mention of something like that in connection with the Stonewall Democrats name would make the Stonewall Democrats name radioactive immediately.

Your point is well-taken that Ray Buckley should step down and take care of this situation so that harm is not done to Stonewall. He can always run for the board again some other time and let the voters decide.

Sunday, January 07, 2007 3:53:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Child porn = child molestation by proxy. If you harbored any doubts about what an inept, frozen-in-headlights bunch of boobs the National Stonewall board is, their inaction in the face of this massive scandal that is apparently about to blow up in all our faces is all the proof that you need. Even if he turns out to be objectively lily-white innocent, that won't undo the damage if "child pornography" and "National Stonewall Democrats" appear together in a news article even once. Once that happens, they're linked in the cybersphere forever.

Where's Barney Frank? Andy Tobias? Tammy Baldwin? Where are our mandarins who can ease this guy out before it's too late? Do we even HAVE any mandarins?

Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:24:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the "at the first sign of danger" comment that Buckley Fan made, pray tell us: how many signs should we wait for? What is the magic number?

Should we wait until AFTER "child pornography" and "Stonewall Democrats" appear together in print? Or is that still too soon?

Should we wait until the Union Leader is calling Wyrick and Marble for comment? No? Not yet?

Should we wait until the Associated Press is calling the office of newly-installed House Financial Services Committee chair and Stonewall founder Barney Frank for comment?

The allegations were serious enough to derail Ray Buckley's bid for NHDP chair. If they were nothing to worry about from an accuser who had no credibility, Buckley would still be in the running. But he isn't.

That's a big, fat red flag, folks. It's time for him to go, before permanent damage is done to Stonewall.

Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:51:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Dan Savage would say, "DTMFA!"

Sunday, January 07, 2007 8:30:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Innocent until proven guilty but heres the facts:
Raymond is in seclusion not making any appearances
The gay politicians are NOT behind Ray or coming to his defense.
The governor immediately used his authority and Ray was withdrawn from any power position.
Ray has been putting his picture and "stats" as a person of power in teen blogs and on my space?
The accuser of these allegations is his former roommate of 16 years.
The NDS name is being thrown around New Hampshire with the words porn, kiddie and uderage everytime Raymonds name is being used.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. When are we as a gay community going to call a skunk a skunk?

Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:44:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the exact point of that last comment was lost on me. Is the poster criticizing Buckley? The governor and gay politicians? Stonewall?

Sunday, January 14, 2007 9:03:00 PM


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